Winning millions.
Ticket sales for The Delaware Lottery had been on the decline for years. So, they came to AB&C to help get players excited about the lottery again.

To build excitement, we knew the campaign had to feel big. So we set out to showcase the Delaware Lottery, by highlighting the one thing all Americans can agree on: winning millions. Along with an updated website, Billboards, change mats, print ads and transit ads with playful lines were created.

A TV spot with alternate lyrics to “The Star-Spangled Banner” and a radio spot with that “four score and seven years ago” feeling rounded out the campaign. Other digital tactics, such as banner ads and social media posts, were also created, all to help support the new website.

Ticket sales in just the first few weeks of the campaign dramatically outpaced all years prior. Website traffic has tripled since it’s launch. AB&C’s social strategy and online games also garnered positive traction. With the added web traffic, the Lottery has been able to launch two new drawing games and over ten new scratch games.